NARCOA rules are in full force and effect on the Amador Central Railroad and in addition the following are rules for a safer operation on the rails.
The Amador County Historical Society has also partnered with the Recreational Railroad Coalition Historical Society in owning and operating the Amador Central Railroad ™, a great part of the county’s history.
NARCOA (North American Railcar Operators Association)
NARCOA is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and safe, legal operation of railroad equipment historically used for maintenance of way. NARCOA has over 1,800 members worldwide.
PRO (Pacific Railcar Operators)
PRO is a nonprofit corporation that provides railcar excursion coordinators a safe, legal and professional environment for sponsoring excursions on North American railroads. PRO invites all motorcar operators to explore the rails in the western US and Canada. PRO is a nonprofit, incorporated affiliate of NARCOA, which hosts motorcar excursions using the NARCOA insurance program, releases, and rules.
Dedicated to the Restoration and Safe, Legal Operation of Railroad Motorcars.
The Pacific Locomotive Association, Inc. operates the Niles Canyon Railway as a living history museum interpreting the importance of our heritage railroads in the development of California and the nation. The purpose of the organization is to preserve the physical aspects and atmosphere of Pacific Coast railroading during the period from 1910 to 1960.